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Bangladesh Association of Construction Industry (BACI) job Circular

Vacancy Announcement 


Bangladesh Association of Construction Industry (BACI) is responsible to provide market driven skill training programs including job placement services in the construction sector under the support of Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh. 


BACI is now looking for filling up a vacant position with attractive salary for its Project Implementation Unit (PIU). 

1. Chief Coordinator-1 

For details, please visit: https://hotjobs.bdjobs.com/jobs/baci/baci6.htm


Application with CV & other related documents will have to be submitted to both the following addresses by post or by hand on or before 05.00 PM, December 20, 2021. 


1. Skill Development Coordination & Monitoring Unit (SDCMU), Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Probashi Kallyan Bhaban (Level-15), 7172 Old Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden, Dhaka-1000. 


2. SEIP-BACI Project Office, Eastern Elite Center (5th Floor, Lift-6), House No. 50 (Old 741), Road No. 9/A (Old 15), Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-120.